Tecom S.r.l. - General Catalogue 2025

81 121 240 84 54 14.5 38 N° 4 6ø Df L1 L3 L2 89.5 96.5 211.5 159 50° 19.5 35 63.5 42 120 R 75R 8 16 32 44.5 29 30 M5 36 31 116° 24 90° Ø 5.5 Conveyor components Part. 267 Self-adjusting sliding shoe for chain return Shoes MATERIALS: Sliding shoe is made of polyamide black colour or of polyethylene green colour. FEATURES: To be assembled in the chain return near to the sprocket. Snap-on assembly. BOX QUANTITY: 12 pieces. ON REQUEST: • • Sliding shoes: In different colours. • • Box quantity: According to your request. Df Bore for pin of (mm) Polyamide (black) Polyethylene (green) Code Code 18 267 / 82038 267 / 82812 20 267 / 82039 267 / 82813 Part. 359 Shoe for chain return (for "Raised Rib" chains) MATERIALS: Shoe in black polyethylene; screws in stainless steel AISI 304. FEATURES: Supplied complete with screws. To be used in the idler part of the conveyor. BOX QUANTITY: 8 pieces. ON REQUEST: • • Shoes: In different colours. • • Box quantity: According to your request. Code L1 L2 L3 (Chain width) 359 / 83504 41 50 38,5 359 / 83503 49 58,5 47 Example of application